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Monday, April 22, 2013

Finding HMML at the International Congress on Medieval Studies (aka "Kalamazoo")

Finding HMML at the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, Michigan (May 9-12, 2013)

From the Malta Study Center exhibit. Click to enlarge.
As in other years, the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library is participating in several sessions and activities at the International Congress on Medieval Studies next month.  I've listed sessions below where HMML staff will be involved.  In addition to sessions with papers, HMML will again hold its own reception on Friday night, but this time in the Fetzer Center (room 2020).  We hope you can join us!

The Malta Study Center has arranged for a display of panels commemorating the 900-year anniversary of the papal bull of Pascal II and the establishment of the Knights of Malta. The display will be at the Department of Special Collections in the Waldo Library. For a preview of these panels, go to Theresa Vann's Melitensia Blog:

Here is a listing of HMML staff activities at Kalamazoo:

Thursday 10:00 am
Session 4
Valley II 202

War and Schism in Iberia of the “Calamitous Fourteenth Century”
Sponsor: De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History
Organizer: Donald J. Kagay, Albany State Univ.
Presider: Theresa M. Vann, Hill Museum & Manuscript Library
  • Pere III of Aragon and His Sons in War and Schism: Warfare and Religion in Fourteenth-Century Iberia
    Donald J. Kagay
  • Castile’s Fourteenth-Century Peninsular Wars within the Framework of the Great Western Schism
    L. J. Andrew Villalon, Univ. of Texas–Austin

Friday 8:30 pm
Fetzer 2020

Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML)
Reception with open bar

Saturday 3:30 pm
Session 500
Schneider 1275

New Developments in Digital Resources on Medieval Austria, Germany, and Switzerland
Sponsor: Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML); Society for Medieval Germanic Studies (SMGS)
Organizer: Matthew Z. Heintzelman, Hill Museum & Manuscript Library
Presider: Theresa M. Vann, Hill Museum & Manuscript Library
  • Digital Resources on Things in a Domesticated Space
    Ingrid Matschinegg, Institut für Realienkunde des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
  • Finding What You’re Looking For: Hill Museum & Manuscript Library’s Online Search Systems and Finding Aids
    Wayne Torborg, Hill Museum & Manuscript Library
  • The vHMML Project: At the Crossroads of Digital Humanities and Manuscript Studies
    Matthew Z. Heintzelman

Sunday 8:30 am
Session 524
Valley II 202

The Nine-Hundredth Anniversary of the Order of the Hospital: Hospitaller Rules and Statutes I
Sponsor: Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML)
Organizer: Theresa M. Vann, Hill Museum & Manuscript Library; Helen J. Nicholson, Cardiff Univ.; and Jochen Burgtorf, California State Univ.–Fullerton
Presider: Jochen Burgtorf
  • Living Up to an Ideal: The Hospitallers in L’Estoire de Eracles
    Philip Handyside, Cardiff Univ.
  • The Function of Hospitaller Houses in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales
    Christie A. Majoros, Cardiff Univ.
  • Interpreting the Regulations: The Hospitallers’ Interpretations of the Rule and Statutes in England and Wales
    Helen J. Nicholson

Sunday 10:30
Session 576
Valley II 201

The Nine-Hundredth Anniversary of the Order of the Hospital: Hospitaller Rules and Statutes II
Sponsor: Texas Medieval Association (TEMA)
Organizer: Theresa M. Vann, Hill Museum & Manuscript Library; Helen J. Nicholson, Cardiff Univ.; and Jochen Burgtorf, California State Univ.–Fullerton
Presider: Helen J. Nicholson
  • William of Saint-Stephen’s Saterian (1296): Reflections on a Hospitaller Legal Treatise
    Jochen Burgtorf
  • Who were the Hospitallers' 'Poor?'
    Jyri Hasecker, Westfälische Wilhelms-Univ. Münster
  • Issues of Textual Authority: Additions, Emendations, and Glosses on the Statutes of the Order of the Hospital
    Theresa M. Vann

We hope to see you in Kalamazoo!!!!
